UrbanGaming ?

UrbanGaming, a collective gaming agency, offers digital and innovative Team Building and Serious Gaming activities.

teambuilding urbangaming couverrture

Mission & Vision

We create experiences that reinvent collective commitment

We like to:

  • IMAGINE formats that STRENGTHEN key messages
  • TAKE ON BOARD every opinion, INCLUDE everyone
  • COMMUNICATE through games to INFORM efficiently
  • PROMOTE collaboration to LEARN to live together
  • ENCOURAGE individual commitment to WIN together
  • And above all: INNOVATE!


mission vision d'urbangaming

Our Values

Of all interjections, by far the most exciting, The most propitious, the most promising, Is not “Eureka, I have found it!” — no, there is something better: It’s the one that starts with “Wait a second… How peculiar…!?”
de bon humor-ENG
Humor is to work what peanut butter is to jelly: Fine on their own — but nicer together, you’ll agree! Of course, you can’t laugh at everything, and not with everyone. (I have a joke about this, but I’m not sure it’s a good one)…
The Three Musketeers were right: When you help your neighbor, When you think about the group, when you help each other, It’s the whole team that wins — so come on, let’s go, It’s high time we follow the Musketeers’ motto!
sans empatie-ENG
If you try to understand the other person’s feeling, Moving forward together becomes very natural. Let’s stop judging for a minute, and let’s try something new: Put yourself in my shoes and I’ll put myself in yours.
lego nest-ENG
The first step toward being your best self, Is to admit your mistakes and set them aside. No self-pride, no ego — it’s hard, let’s be honest… It takes a lot a guts, but it’s the key to happiness.
de lequite-ENG
We are all different; it’s in our nature. This basic truth inspired our very own scripture: Make fairness and justice the center of our world From the simplest of our acts to the loftiest of our words.
The great Confucius once said something along these ines: “Get a job you dig, man — then it won’t seem like a grind.” (He put it better than that, but, you get the gist: A dedicated worker is a thing not to be missed)
le bonheur-ENG
Creating means suggesting, showing, discovering, Breaking down the barriers of imagination … On a simple piece of paper, you write — and keep writing, Using that pen of yours without hesitation.
We’ll deal with everything to comply with requirements, Schedule, budget, timing, number of participants: But in no way does this mean that we’re exploitable… Let’s be reasonable — we’re only human after all!

Our Story


Launching the agency

It’s the year of Our Lord 2011.
Five brave founders embark on a mad adventure.
Our Holy Grail: developing a 2.0 game to explore Paris with glowing tablets.
As a budding high-tech agency dedicated to team building, we proudly launched Pursuit Gaming, transforming neighborhoods – or even an entire city – into a massive playground.

urbangaming cofondateur 2011 1

Partner development

We created a new range of indoor games, such as Wine Gaming, which invites the player in the world of wine tasting while solving a thrilling crime investigation.
At the same time, we work to infiltrate international exhibitions to identify teambuilding and training agencies abroad that may be interested in our skills,  tools and know-how.
This is how our partnering strategy began.

notre histoire 2 2

The international family grows

Fast forward to the year 2016. There are still no flying cars, but we now have 30 partners around the world ! That’s a multicultural network that enriches us every day and allows us to respond to all your requests in an effective and relevant manner.
Openness innovation and collaboration: these are the key words of the partnership strategy that we have established, the basis of our global network (and ultimately, of our domination of the universe).

notre histoire 3

The development of Serious Gaming

Renowned brands such as L’Oréal, for whom we have now organized 180 events, trust our ability to explore new horizons (factory visits, employee training, customer journeys, communications about company values…). We became aware that our clients might have more ambitious needs – beyond “simple” team-building activity – which would allow them to involve their collaborators at a deeper level, such as by solving business problems. To respond to this need, we created the Change & Serious Business Unit and the customizable Escape Games.

notre histoire 4

A new look for a new life 2.0

A new site, a new logo, new game modes integrating VR technology, and an expanded Change & Serious Gaming offer…
The adventure continues, and our ambitions keep growing.

urbangaming martin tissier 2018 5

A new range of remote games

We are developing our remote gaming platform.
Habits are changing, distance learning is more than ever in demand.
We adapt our offers, merging serious game, learning and Team Building.
Our games always emphasize the collective, learning but also cohesion and employee communication !

keolis virtual game
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Ce jeu est disponible pour les entreprises disposant de la licence liée aux Jeux olympiques de...

Discover the activity

Say goodbye to the good old-fashioned treasure hunt on paper:  With this tablet-based activity,...

  • In person team building 📍
  • Culture & Discovery 🧠
  • Outdoor 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this team building.

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Escape Game mixed with digital investigation

  • In person game 📍
  • Escape Game 🔐
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Custumizable 🎨
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This digital activity is a mix between entertainment and culture and will reconcile art lovers with...

  • In person game 📍
  • Culture & discovery 🧠
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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A remote Escape Game with virtual teams. Join the Green Academy !

  • Remote Team Building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Virtual escape game 🔐
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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this remote game.

  • Virtual team building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Investigation 🔎
  • Customizable 🎨
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An in person team building to engage debate, listen and take decisions.

  • In person game 📍
  • Strategy ♟
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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Co-créons de A à Z votre jeu de société d’entreprise !

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Co-créons de A à Z votre escape game d’entreprise !

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Let’s co-create your future Serious Game from A to Z!    

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A digital game to explore new workspaces.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Move & new workplace
  • Indoor or outdoor hybrid 🏠 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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A game for mastering remote and agile working in your organisation.

  • Remote Game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • New ways of working 🧪
  • Custumizable 🎨
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Use a team serious game to learn how to manage change.

  • Virtual serious game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Change Management 🔄
  • Custumizable 🎨
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A game enabling newcomers to discover the premises and key values of your company.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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An Escape Game to convey your company’s policies and values to newcomers.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A training game to instill good management practices when dealing with crisis situations.

  • In person Serious game 📍
  • Crisis management ⚠
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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A game to master the concepts of change management.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Change management 🔄
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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☎ - (+ 33) 1 57 40 80 41 ou ✉ - charlie@urbangaming.com