Team Building in Paris

Looking for a team-building activity in Paris? This page is for you.

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7 team-building activities in Paris

Looking for a team-building activity in Paris is a bit like taking the metro – there are lots of options, it can take a long time, and it’s not always easy to find your way.

At UrbanGaming, we specialize in innovative team-building games that combine new technology, customisation, and collective laughs to build your team.

Below are 7 different Parisian team-building options summarised in 2-minute videos.

team building paris

Digital Rally

Concept: An enjoyable high-tech treasure hunt that explores the city’s cultural side. Your chosen neighbourhood becomes a board game with a range of fun, cultural, and historical challenges.
Requirements: With around forty game zones, this treasure hunt can be adapted to any district in Paris. You’ll need a room with a screen for the briefing and debrief.
Perfect Team building for:

  • exploring areas you don’t work in (especially for visitors to Paris).
  • large groups (we’ve run this game for 1000 people at once).
  • good weather 🙂 However, some rallies, like the one in Paris’s famous passages couverts (covered passages), adapt well to any weather.
Rally in Paris
rallye à paris

Escape Game

Concept : An escape game that can be played in any district of Paris, no matter your team size. The objective isn’t to get out of a room, but to find the contents of Megalowman’s briefcase. Playing as digital superheroes, you’ll need to support each other, use your brains, and master new technology to reach your goal. Our facilitators will help you if needed.
Requirements: A room with a table per team and a central screen. This game caters for up to 1000 people and takes 90 minutes.
Perfect Team Building for: helping your staff master the digital world. QR code scanning, twitter hashtags, bluetooth-connected locks and more are included in the game.

Escape Game in Paris
team building escape game

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Escape Game

Concept: A roaming, team-building escape game focused on CSR, with a case, a tablet, and 4 demi-gods to help. Rummage through our escape box to find and solve challenges that will help the 4 demi-gods of CSR get their hands on the climate sceptic, Céresse. Your mission: find Onyx’s ring.

Requirements: A place supporting CSR values, a table per team, and a screen for the briefing and debrief.
Perfect team building for: Fostering corporate social responsibility values in your teams.

CSR Escape Game in Paris
Team building RSE

Museum Rally

Concept: (Re)discover the museums of Paris via an enjoyable team rally. From the Grévin wax museum to the treasures of the Louvre, via the Musée des Arts et Metiers (arts and crafts), there is something here for everyone.
Requirements: You’ll need to fit in with museum opening times and locations. We’ll manage the tickets.
Perfect team building for:

  • The Musée des Arts et Metiers and its unusual inventions is ideal for creativity and brainstorming.
  • The Grévin is great for the sales force, with fun video challenges.
  • The Louvre and Orsay give non-Parisians a particularly cultural treasure hunt.
Orsay Museum
Team Building musée

Multiple Intelligences

Concept: Based on the theory of multiple intelligences, in this game you join a brotherhood of extraordinary people – the Smart People. Each team is challenged via different forms of intelligence that successively highlight the various talents of the people within it. An ideal game to strengthen group dynamics with a range of fun activities.
Requirements: Can be played indoors or outdoors, involves travel, and takes 40-100 minutes.
Perfect team-building for:

  • Fostering team spirit and the art of working together well.
  • Motivating participants and highlighting how departments complement each other.
  • Collaboration that brings people together via a good time.

Virtual Escape Game

Concept: Take the Green Academy’s test to decide which team will lead Green Impulse, the jewel of clean energy aviation.
Requirements: This is a virtual escape game for teams working remotely. All each player needs is a PC or smartphone and your preferred video conferencing platform, such as Zoom, Skype, Team, Slack, etc.
Perfect team building for: Remote workers. As telecommuting becomes more and more common, this game builds a sense of team cohesion and spirit despite disparate work environments.

Remote / Virtual Team Building
jeu virtuel

Decision Making in Teams

Concept: A game based on group communication, cohesion, and cooperation, teams go in search of a scientific notebook in a disused factory. Time is limited and every decision could be your last – so think hard, talk ideas through, and listen to each other! To make the right decisions, you’ll need your collective intelligence, a shared vision, and full group support.
Requirements: Cabaret-style seminar rooms and a central screen.
Perfect team building for: Conventions, being focused on dialogue, listening and cooperation. Best in plenaries with tables of 6 to 10 people.

Team Building for Parisian convention
team building de prise de décision

A worldwide team-building agency, a headquarters in Paris, a team of enthusiasts

In 2010, UrbanGaming was born from the merging of 3 Parisian start-ups:

  • Curiocités, a company that organised guided tours in Paris.
  • Découvrir Paris, a Paris-based gaming community with a blog and Facebook page.
  • JSKL, a Parisian IT development agency

Today, over 10 years after its creation, UrbanGaming comprises 18 full-time staff, all passionate about Paris, and a network of 30 team-building agencies around the world.

More on our team building agency




Yesterday, I admit, I went into the virtual Escape Game feeling fed up and resentful. (...) what a beautiful tune – you transformed a requiem into a symphony, cheap wine into a grand cru. Well done! Well done and thank you. In a word, it was great. And I won't stop there! I was charmed, totally charmed…


Pam Saint Gobain

The whole team would like to thank ALL of you for this great training, successful team building and your commitment!
It was a great first collaboration, and without doubt just the start…
The clients are very happy and so are we!
A thousand thanks and see you soon for the next adventure!


General Electric

Very friendly facilitators, impeccable organisation, magical location, and a fun game suitable for everyone. The groups gave it their all and got caught up in the challenge. The activity’s mix of culture, challenges and riddles gave us all an excellent time, letting us wind down from the convention’s first 3 days. Well done UrbanGaming – I thoroughly recommend this activity.



Hello Guillaume,
I wanted to thank you and your team for such a pleasant evening.
it was a total success, and everyone was delighted.
See you soon I hope.
Many thanks again for your professionalism, responsiveness, and investment in our event.



Just to give you some immediate feedback, the teams loved the game. It was another great success, and I loved the fact that you thought of a little gift for the winning team. I don't remember having that in Dubai? In any case, thank you so much, and we’ll debrief when I get back.
A million thanks – especially to the great Sophie!



"A big thank you for your speech yesterday, I think it had the effect required – and I’m very glad this event gave you the opportunity to talk with our teams.
Thanks too for these additional elements. I’ll share them with our colleagues, who’ll get back to you.



Yesterday, I admit, I went into the virtual Escape Game feeling fed up and resentful. (...) what a beautiful tune – you transformed a requiem into a symphony, cheap wine into a grand cru. Well done! Well done and thank you. In a word, it was great. And I won't stop there! I was charmed, totally charmed…


Pam Saint Gobain

The whole team would like to thank ALL of you for this great training, successful team building and your commitment!
It was a great first collaboration, and without doubt just the start…
The clients are very happy and so are we!
A thousand thanks and see you soon for the next adventure!


General Electric

Very friendly facilitators, impeccable organisation, magical location, and a fun game suitable for everyone. The groups gave it their all and got caught up in the challenge. The activity’s mix of culture, challenges and riddles gave us all an excellent time, letting us wind down from the convention’s first 3 days. Well done UrbanGaming – I thoroughly recommend this activity.



Hello Guillaume,
I wanted to thank you and your team for such a pleasant evening.
it was a total success, and everyone was delighted.
See you soon I hope.
Many thanks again for your professionalism, responsiveness, and investment in our event.



Just to give you some immediate feedback, the teams loved the game. It was another great success, and I loved the fact that you thought of a little gift for the winning team. I don't remember having that in Dubai? In any case, thank you so much, and we’ll debrief when I get back.
A million thanks – especially to the great Sophie!



"A big thank you for your speech yesterday, I think it had the effect required – and I’m very glad this event gave you the opportunity to talk with our teams.
Thanks too for these additional elements. I’ll share them with our colleagues, who’ll get back to you.

Team Building Challenges in Paris

Select your game zone in Paris

Parc Monceau

These challenges focus on the area “Paris – “Parc Monceau”.
Here are 6 exemples of challenges arround the Parc Monceau.


You are standing in front of the statue of d’Artagnan. It’s your turn to perform a sword and cape fight!

Time for a visual challenge. How many whole columns that are still standing can you see? A word of warning: make sure you look everywhere!

This house recently ceased to be an antique gallery. What does it house now?

The Duke of Chartres wanted the park to hold scenes reminiscent of ancient civilisations. This pyramid represents, of course, Egypt. Find the name of the odd one out.

When you watch this scene, you will recognize Parc Monceau. What is the title of the film?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Covered passages

These challenges focus on the area “Paris – Covered passages.
Here are 6 exemples of challenges arround the covered passages.

customized team building

In the square Alex Biscarre, you will come across the têtes de faunes shown above. Select 3 members of your team who will have to reproduce their expressions…as well as their pointy ears!

In the corner of Rue Tronchet and Boulevard Haussmann, you can see the beautiful shopfront of a very old boutique which dates back to 1864 and was called Aux Tortues. What does the current shop sign read?

Make the most of the magnificent panoramic view before you start looking for the memorial stone which commemorates Védrines’s exploit in 1919. What was the exact date of his landing?

Passage Verdeau has even featured in a comic trip, as can be seen above. But what is its title?

Which celebrity is the newest addition to Musée Grévin’s wax statues collection?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…




customized team building

The Lido, like the Moulin Rouge, is a famous cabaret in Paris. It’s your turn to shoot a video while you perform a typical French dance, such as the French cancan!

Find out which battle is not represented on the Panorama National building.

The Pont d’Iéna was the first bridge to be built following which battle?

The Tour de France finishes on the Champs-Élysées every single year. At this location, you can witness the arrival of the winner and all the other riders. By the way, who won the last Grande Boucle?

The Arc de Triomphe is a universal symbol of Paris. It has been featured in many films and even in some cartoons. The above image is taken from one of Pixar’s feature films. But which one?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Team building activities & challenges arround "Paris – Invalides / Ministères"

Invalides / Ministères

customized team building

You have just found out that you will be decorated with the Légion d’Honneur. Give your thank-you speech!

Find out where this character is located. What is he holding in his right hand?

Which French military and political leader is buried in the Hôtel des Invalides?

Which function did Mr. d’Orsay hold?

What is the name of this movie which won 5 French Oscars? The above scene was shot at the Musée d’Orsay, which had been turned into a train station for the film.

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Eiffel tower

Eiffel tower

customized team building

Now, pay tribute to the Eiffel Tower by taking the most quirky photo!

You have 3 minutes to find the exact spot where Louis Welden Hawkins created this painting. Also, write the name of the statue shown in the foreground.

Because of its location on the Seine River, this statue is used as a measuring instrument for water levels at times of flooding. What is its name?

You are now standing in the salle des moulages (mouldings room). Can you name the statue using the above readout from a laserometer?

The above scene was taken from a James Bond movie. Can you name its title?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris Saint Germain

Team building activities & challenges arround Paris – St-Germain

customized team building

Jim Morrison spent his last few hours in this club. Pay tribute to him in a video as you perform a song by The Doors.

This is the Fontaine des quatre point(s) cardinaux, which depicts four bishops who never became cardinals. What is the name of the bishop shown on the right in this photo?

This statue depicts Acis and Galatea spied upon by Polyphemus the Cyclops. What is the legend behind this sculpture?

You are standing in front of 12 Rue de Buci. In your view, what is the meaning of the sculpted star shown in this picture?

This scene was shot nearby, in front of the café Les Deux Magots. Which movie is it from?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris Saint Michel

These challenges focus on the area arround Paris Saint Michel

customized team building

You are about to enter the Panthéon and become a distinguished citizen. Immortalize the moment!

As you can see, the colour of one of his feet is different. Can you guess why?

Rue Saint-Jacques was the main street of the Roman forum and also the starting point of the pilgrimage to which city?

Find No 5 on this street. In your view, what do the initials DM stand for?

Watch this clip from a movie shot on location at the Sainte-Geneviève Library. Which film is this clip taken from?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris Le marais

customized team building

Now, pay tribute to Rabbi Jacob and to the Rue des Rosiers. You have 30 seconds to perform and film an offbeat and innovative dance.

Work out the spot where the photo featuring on this postcard was taken from. You are not very far!

Everybody knows the Place des Vosges. But do you know why it was given this name?

You are now in the Hotel de Beauvais. A famous composer spent a few days here. Your mission is to find out who he was!

Watch a clip of this James Bond movie which was shot in the Beaubourg area. What is the film’s title?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Belleville

Team Building challenges in Paris – Belleville

customized team building

Create a human chain and try to reproduce this painting. You may be as faithful or as original as you wish!

Do you remember your Latin lessons? You must work out which two religious communities are mentioned on this plaque. Here is the beginning of the translation: “The spring usually flowing for the common benefit of the clergy…”

The eastern section of La Petite Ceinture is no longer in use but the former stations along the western section have been reopened. Which train line now runs on the renovated section?

From the Parc de Belleville, it is possible to see many of the capital’s monuments…but not all of them! Which one is not visible from this area?

One of the powerful scenes from a 2013 movie was shot in the Église Notre-Dame-de-la-Croix in Ménilmontant. Watch the trailer and name the film!

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Île de la Cité/Saint-Louis

Team Building challenges in Île de la Cité/Saint-Louis

customized team building

You are standing in front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, which proved a huge inspiration to Victor Hugo. Now, you have to pretend to be one of Victor Hugo’s famous characters: Gavroche, Jean Valjean, Quasimodo, Esméralda…

Find the Zero Mile marker. Distances to all parts of France are measured from this point.

You are standing in front of the remains of one of the Bastille’s towers. Do you know what this former tower was known as?

Do you know which comic book series the above image was taken from?

The PJ (Police Judiciaire) building features in this Olivier Marchal movie. What is its title?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Arts & Métiers

Team Building challenges in Arts & Métiers

customized team building

Now, pay tribute to the circus thanks to the Cirque d’Hiver. You have 30 seconds to perform and film an offbeat act!

Find the spot where the photo featuring on this historic postcard was taken from.

You are now standing where the Place de France was meant to be located. Had it been built, the square would have stood at the centre of…

You are now standing in the Salle Favart within the Opéra Comique. By the way, how many Salles Favart has this opera had since its opening?

Watch this clip taken from a movie entitled Coup du Parapluie. The shop which supplied the main character with his unusual umbrella still exists. What is it called?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Louvre-Tuileries-Palais Royal

Team Building challenges in Louvre-Tuileries-Palais Royal

customized team building

The Inverted Pyramid in the Carrousel du Louvre is a highly touristic area. Prove this is the case by gathering as many tourists as you can to win this challenge!

From the spot Édouard Cortes created this painting, he would have been able to see a magnificent hotel on the right-hand side. But which?

Which item can be purchased from the Louvre des Antiquaires?

In your view, which famous character can be seen to the left of Marianne in this painting?


Watch the above scene. Which movie is it taken from?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


La Villette

Team Building challenges in La Villette

Team Building Paris la villette
customized team building

Shoot a quirky video with the Géode facing you!

Have a look at the various elements which make up the Bicyclette ensevelie (the buried bicycle). Which of the following does not represent a visible part?

Before becoming a venue for various events, which animals were housed in the Halle de la Villette?

The Argonaute was an Aréthuse-class submarine operated by the French Navy which was launched on October 23, 1958. In what year was it decommissioned?

You are now standing in front of the Salle du Zénith. The final scene of which film was shot here?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Monceau Nord

Team Building challenges in Paris – Monceau Nord

customized team building

Edmond Rostand wrote Cyrano de Bergerac in this house. It’s your turn to re-enact part of the ‘nose’ speech. Shoot a creative video!

Many flags can be seen in this little-known alley, which houses a flag maker. What is the name given to a flag collector?

This building, which used to be the Banque de France head office, is not typical. Legend says that its strongroom used to be guarded by two crocodiles. Who was behind the construction of this building?

Find this character. What is he holding in one of his hands?

Many personalities attended Lycée Carnot, such as former president Jacques Chirac and author Honoré de Balzac. This secondary school was behind the formation of a famous French rock band. What was its name?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Jardin d'Acclimatation

Team Building challenges in Jardin d’Acclimatation

customized team building

Film a volunteer who must explain to this bear their business strategy for a product. Will the bear buy it?

Find the spot where this old photograph was taken from.

In what year did Napoleon III and Empress Eugénie inaugurate the Jardin Zoologique d’Acclimatation?

Guignol can be found in the Jardin d’Acclimatation but in which French city was he originally created?

An exhibition following the release of a French wildlife documentary shot on the Kamchatka Peninsula, the kingdom of wild brown bears, was held here to enable the public to compare the brown bears with Victorine. What was the name of the movie?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Montparnasse

Team Building challenges in Paris – Montparnasse

General Pierre Cambronne (1770-1842) French soldier. At the Battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815, he was in command of the remains of the Old Guard. Seriously wounded, he was taken prisoner by the British after the battle. Trade card c 1900. Chromolithograph.
customized team building

Before allegedly yelling a famous swear word to General Colville who was asking him to lay down arms, Cambronne is thought to have uttered the following sentence: “The Guard dies and does not surrender.” Select a volunteer to re-enact this scene in a warlike fashion. Use the landscape orientation!

Work out the spot where the photo featuring on this postcard was taken from. Then, take a similar picture!

Why is there a tree trunk in the chapel of this church?

You are standing in front of the Fontaine de Grenelle, which was built above an artesian well. What type of well is it?

This scene was shot under the Bir-Hakeim bridge. Which film is it taken from?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Montsouris

Team Building challenges in parc Montsouris

customized team building

You are standing in front of Coluche’s house. It’s your turn to impersonate the impersonator!

Work out the spot where the photo featuring on this postcard was taken from. You are not very far!

This unusual shop is cleverly located near the exit from the Catacacombs. Which item is not displayed in the window?

Check out the bridge used by the RER. A comic strip cartoonist featured this bridge in an adventure taking place in Paris. What was the adventure called?

You are standing in Place Jacques Demy, who directed this famous movie. Watch this clip and find its title!

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Bercy

Team Building challenges in Paris – Bercy

customized team building

Here is a game area which is ideal for a fun challenge! Impersonate a superhero such as Spiderman and shoot a 30-second video!

In this cultivated zone, there is a rather unusual area. Find it!

Do you know which other name was given to Bercy?

Find this Etienne Martin statue. Its author gave it a rather strange name. What is it?

Two producers came up with the idea of putting together a show featuring former singers. They were so successful that they even performed at Bercy. This film recounts their adventure. Watch the clip and find the title of the movie!

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - République

Team Building challenges in Paris – République

customized team building

Do as Amélie Poulain did and try to make stones skip on the Canal Saint-Martin. Shoot a 30-second video to showcase your talent!

Find where this street-art piece is located. What animal can be seen on the other side? Be quick, you have less than a minute!

True or false? Hôpital Saint-Louis hosted the very first World Congress of Dermatology.

How many arcades does the Couvent des Récollets boast?

Watch the above clip. Will you be able to find out which movie this scene was taken from?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Bonne Nouvelle

Team Building challenges in Paris – Bonne Nouvelle

customized team building

In front of the Folies Bergère, get as many people as possible to dance like Joséphine Baker. Ask passers-by to get involved if necessary. The more people take part, the more points you will win!

Which famous poet resided at 10 Rue des Petites Écuries?

This discreet but nevertheless magnificent church was built in a neo-Gothic style in the middle of the 19th century. As you will see, the church’s internal architecture is breathtaking. Do you know which French author got married here?

True or false? The cabaret is so named because the very first spectacles were performed by a troupe of former shepherdesses.

The Grand Rex’s extra-large screen was inaugurated in 1988 with the showing of which movie?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Tolbiac-Corvisart

Team Building challenges in Paris – Tolbiac-Corvisart

customized team building

This 500m2 rectangular wooded courtyard is home to beautiful half-timbered brick houses built in the Alsatian style. Pay tribute to the Alsace region and shoot a video in which you speak the Alsatian dialect!

Pay close attention to the façade of this church and find the Latin inscription which stands for “Saint, pray for us.”

The Manufacture Royale des Gobelins (Gobelins tapestry workshop) was set up to supply tapestries to the French kings’ palaces. Do you know which French politician established it?

This swimming pool, which dates back to 1924, is one of the oldest in Paris. It is constantly supplied with hot water thanks to a naturally warm artesian well. Guess how hot the water is!

The street-art scenes of which artist adorn the walls of the Butte-aux-Cailles district?

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…


Paris - Montmartre

Team Building challenges in Paris – Montmartre

customized team building

In front of the bust of singer Dalida, a volunteer must perform a song of their choice for the camera!

Time to pay attention. You are now standing in front of the Poulbot house. What is the colour of the tie which can be seen in one of the little girls’ hair?

You are standing in front of the building where Van Gogh once resided. In your view, which of the above two paintings did he create from his window?

Slightly below the French sentence Je t’aime, you will find the word SZERETLEK. This obviously means “I love you” but what is the language?

You are now standing in a street featuring in the very first film Woody Allen shot in Paris. What is its title? Here is a clue: it was in 1995.

The challenges are adapted to your needs. Validation of knowledge acquired following a meeting, personalisation according to a specific theme, business sector…

Quote 0

My selection


You can't select more than 3 games

Ce jeu est disponible pour les entreprises disposant de la licence liée aux Jeux olympiques de...

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Say goodbye to the good old-fashioned treasure hunt on paper:  With this tablet-based activity,...

  • In person team building 📍
  • Culture & Discovery 🧠
  • Outdoor 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this team building.

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Escape Game mixed with digital investigation

  • In person game 📍
  • Escape Game 🔐
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Custumizable 🎨
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This digital activity is a mix between entertainment and culture and will reconcile art lovers with...

  • In person game 📍
  • Culture & discovery 🧠
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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A remote Escape Game with virtual teams. Join the Green Academy !

  • Remote Team Building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Virtual escape game 🔐
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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this remote game.

  • Virtual team building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Investigation 🔎
  • Customizable 🎨
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An in person team building to engage debate, listen and take decisions.

  • In person game 📍
  • Strategy ♟
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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Co-créons de A à Z votre jeu de société d’entreprise !

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Co-créons de A à Z votre escape game d’entreprise !

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Let’s co-create your future Serious Game from A to Z!    

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A digital game to explore new workspaces.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Move & new workplace
  • Indoor or outdoor hybrid 🏠 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

A game for mastering remote and agile working in your organisation.

  • Remote Game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • New ways of working 🧪
  • Custumizable 🎨
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Use a team serious game to learn how to manage change.

  • Virtual serious game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Change Management 🔄
  • Custumizable 🎨
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A game enabling newcomers to discover the premises and key values of your company.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

An Escape Game to convey your company’s policies and values to newcomers.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A training game to instill good management practices when dealing with crisis situations.

  • In person Serious game 📍
  • Crisis management ⚠
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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A game to master the concepts of change management.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Change management 🔄
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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