Homepage / Jeu CS / Onboard’ Scape

An Escape Game to convey your company’s policies and values to newcomers.

Onboard’ Scape

The Concept

A welcoming Game

An Escape Game to convey your company’s policies and values to newcomers.

Onboarding, or the integration of new employees, is the first milestone of your staff affinity with the company.
The challenge lies in the transmission of the key information necessary to ensure an effective and successful introduction (values, history, industry background, organizational chart, etc.).

In this game, your employees, gathered in teams and equipped with a tablet, will have to unlock the different game levels contained in a briefcase — each level corresponding to different game mechanics combining practical work, thinking, learning and understanding related to your company’s DNA.

The enthusiasm conveyed during this game will allow you to anchor your culture and values, an essential step in talent management.

General Information

Gaming terms


Between 15 and 800 pax - 5 to 8 people per team

Material requirements

A cabaret style table per team - Screen - Video projector - sound

Escape Onboarding durée
Duration fo the game

Between 2hrs and 3hrs30

Goal of the game

Complete the Escape game as fast as possible and score a maximum of points


Static indoors

The Pitch

Game scenario

Entirely customizable! Pirate quest, Back to the future, mutant virus, meeting the kind aliens… Our imagination has no limit.



The briefing is the first stage in the activity. The teams find a briefcase and a tablet on their table: The Game Master explains the concept of the game to participants as well as how the tablet and briefcase work, using a visual and an introductory video.
The presentation time is about 10 minutes.



This activity takes on the crazy challenge of containing a whole “escape room” inside a single briefcase. The game is portable and adaptable to any venue, and also makes it possible for a large number of people to play at the same time. The mission for each team of new joiners: get to know their new company by solving puzzles and opening all the boxes contained in the briefcase.
The winning team is the one who will be able to use its players’ knowledge of the company to unlock all the boxes, in this race against the clock…




La phase de débriefing permet,  après la phase compétitive, de créer un moment de rassemblement entre les équipes, avant de participer à l’ultime épreuve : Qui veut se rappeler des questions ?
Durant environ 30 minutes, l’équipe gagnante devra répondre à une série de questions portant sur les messages principaux de  l’activité. Votre mémoire sera-t-elle à la hauteur ?

In Immersion

Visual examples

imm_Escape game 1
imm_integration serious game 2
imm_escape game integration 3
imm_Culture entreprise integration 4
immersion entreprise escape game 5
imm_nouveaux arrivant escape 6

You discovered our values. Well done!
They only make sense when integrated on a daily basis along key behaviors (“leadership expectations”).
Let’s see if you are comfortable with these.

Oh well, what happened? My paint cans have ruined everything!
Reassemble the graphic indicating the expected key behaviors with some materiel you may have found in the briefcase.
Rank the pictograms in the correct order, then type below the code you have obtained!

A bit of light should help you see more clearly.

It’s now time to go see Dataman!
Ahhh my dear Dataman :>

Did you know that he was born in 1981? Just like me:) Ok, you don’t really care, but remember that this date will be handy to open the lock of the Dataman’s box.

So go ahead, and when you find it, click on continue.

Earlier on with Dataman, you found the 3 BUs of our organization!
You can now answer the question based on what you have found in the office.
You must enter a percentage.

This is the time to trace the path of the medication. Do you know the famous board game called “Timeline”? I love it:)

It’s your turn to play… Use what you have found in the briefcase.
When you have found the chronological order, click on continue.

Do you follow Mylan France on the Internet and social networks like I do? Follow the instructions written below and click on the correct answer indicated on my smartphone’s screen. This will help you moving forward 🙂

I find all official information on Mylan on the first social network. Which one?
Don’t make a mistake otherwise you will lose a point.

Quote 0

My selection


You can't select more than 3 games

Ce jeu est disponible pour les entreprises disposant de la licence liée aux Jeux olympiques de...

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  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Investigation 🔎
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Co-créons de A à Z votre escape game d’entreprise !

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A digital game to explore new workspaces.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Move & new workplace
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  • Itinerant 🏃
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A game for mastering remote and agile working in your organisation.

  • Remote Game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • New ways of working 🧪
  • Custumizable 🎨
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Use a team serious game to learn how to manage change.

  • Virtual serious game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Change Management 🔄
  • Custumizable 🎨
Discover the activity

A game enabling newcomers to discover the premises and key values of your company.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

An Escape Game to convey your company’s policies and values to newcomers.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

A training game to instill good management practices when dealing with crisis situations.

  • In person Serious game 📍
  • Crisis management ⚠
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
Discover the activity

A game to master the concepts of change management.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Change management 🔄
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

☎ - (+ 33) 1 57 40 80 41 ou ✉ - charlie@urbangaming.com