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A game to master the concepts of change management.

Booster – Change management

The Concept

A Game dealing with change

A game to master the concepts of change management.

Why don’t we play… for a change?
Adapting to a new situation depends first and foremost on everyone being involved.
The ChangeBooster escape, with its group non-hierarchical approach, is inspired by John Kotter‘s “fable”, Our iceberg is melting!  to illustrate and train for change management.

teambuilding changement concept
General Information

Gaming terms


Between 15 and 800 pax - 4 to 6 people per team

Material requirements

One cabaret style table per team - Screen - Video projector - Sound

Duration of the game

Between 2hrs and 3hrs30

Goal of the game

Be the first to complete the Escape and score a maximum of points


Static indoors

The Pitch

Game scenario

Your mission will take you on a virtual journey to China, to rescue pandas threatened with extinction by the disappearance of bamboo. Fortunately, you have volunteered with the Department of Water Resources and Forests!



The briefing is the first stage in the activity. The teams have a briefcase and a tablet on their table: The Game Master explains the concept of the game and how the tablet works to participants, using visuals and an introductory video.
The presentation time is about 10 minutes.



This activity takes on the crazy challenge of fitting a whole “escape room” inside a single briefcase: the game is portable and adaptable to any location, and also makes it possible for a large number of people to play at the same time. The goal for each team is to effectuate a radical change that will ensure the conservation of pandas in China.




Once the competitive phase is over, the debriefing is an opportunity to gather all the teams around for a positive moment, ideal for brainstorming.
Lydia Martin, Digital Learning project leader and change management expert, will analyze performance indicators throughout the activity to propose a training plan.

In Immersion

Visual examples

en immersion 1
en immersion 2
en immersion 3
en immersion 4
en immersion 5
en immersion 6

Here we are!!! You will have to make a video that will be sent to Po to convince him that you are the best team to make this change.
If he is convinced, you will go to China for this extraordinary mission! At first you will have to team define your arguments. What better way than using past experiences to deal with present issues?
Remember a situation in the past when you had experienced change and rely on these 3 questions to exchange and find strong arguments from this experience to convince.

You will now have to put them back in the right order to start from the beginning. It’s better !
You have a deck of cards in front of you!
Put the 8 steps of the change in order.

What step do you think this definition belongs to?
“Without quickly visible results, the process risks losing credibility and being abandoned by key players.”
Touch the corresponding step.
Hurry! You only have 30 seconds!

Carefully analyse the information to find out which phase corresponds this definition:
“It can be experienced when the change is announced or uncovered, and it can manifest itself in silence, a lack of reaction from employees to what is announced to them.”

Use only one eye 🙂

The goal is to get them to accept change and integrate it. But not everything depends on them. It’s important to adopt the appropriate attitude according to the phases of change.

During the denial phase, what do you think is the right attitude to have?

You will help me to compose the steering team and support me when confronting the members of the Panda Family Council to lead this project of change.
Board members have left their business cards. Take 2 minutes to look at them.

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A game to master the concepts of change management.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Change management 🔄
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

☎ - (+ 33) 1 57 40 80 41 ou ✉ - charlie@urbangaming.com