Homepage / Jeu CS / MazeCrisis – Crisis management

A training game to instill good management practices when dealing with crisis situations.

MazeCrisis – Crisis management

The Concept

A collaboration Game

A training game to instill good management practices when dealing with crisis situations.
The MazeCrisis is a game focused on decision-making, communication and cooperation as means to manage crisis situations.

General Information

Gaming terms


Between 15 and 2000 pax - 5 to 10 people per team

Material requirements

1 table per team

Duration of the game

Approximately 1h30

Goal of the game

Get out of TEST with the notebook and make the right decisions


Static indoors

The Pitch

Game scenario

The famous scientist John Evans had just made the most important discovery in the history of stem cell research…

But before even sharing it with the rest of the world, he died one week later!

Katheryn, his old friend, tasks you with finding the notebook in which John recorded his discoveries. This precious notebook is locked in a trunk of a former military base called TEST.

Hurry up: you only have a limited amount of time before TEST is placed under complete lockdown.

Will you get out of this military maze unscathed?



Before the game phase, the Game Master presents the activity, the rules of the game and how the tablet works during the briefing as well as the workings of the table.




Within the teams, each member is assigned a specific role in the intervention unit: director, secretary, communication manager, one or more change anticipation officer(s) and one or more information officer(s).
Each team will have to make their way through the TEST military base and its many virtual rooms. Behind every door, either a good or a bad surprise… Make the right choices to move forward!

Every member of your team will be given valuable cluescommunication will be the key to your survival! It’s up to you to plan the right strategy that will allow you to find John Evans’ notebook and get out of TEST unscathed…

The MazeCrisis allows participants to immerse themselves in a crisis communication management team, where each person has a specific and crucial role.




Following the competitive phase, the debriefing allows all the participants to get together and determine which aspects of their collaboration worked, and which areas could be improved.
Reactions and decisions are analyzed before the winning team is announced.

In Immersion

Visual examples

imm_jeu crise 1
imm_serious game gestion de crise 2
imm_reagir face a une crise le jeu 3
imm_serious game teambuillding crise 4
imm_crise comment gerer the game 5
imm_jeu pour gerer les crise 6

As a reminder, you are part of a crisis team that have its specific roles, its mode of operation and communication and its decision-making process.

If not already done, go around the table to coordinate the process and then click continue.

Check that all members of the team are ready to start.

You will now be brought to a TEST room called “Room A”.

Press the button above to start the adventure!


You are now in Room A – a gray room. This room is dark and gloomy; the floor is littered with garbage but there is nothing valuable. As you watch all this, send a member of the team to the command post to retrieve the room A card. When he / she comes back, place the A card face up in the center of the table.

Radiation is sometimes a problem at TEST.

As the operating procedures dictate, you have a radiation detector. You check it and notice that the radiation level is currently LOW.

If you are not sure of the next step, get help from the GREAT WISE ONE. Take a gold nugget (provided) and say:
“Here’s a golden nugget, oh Great Wise One, we’re in the room (specify the room letter) Where do we go now?”

The GREAT WISE ONE will take your gold nugget and give you the answer. Do not make mistakes! Talk to the GREAT WISE ONE!

Finally, here is a little tip that you will need once in TEST.

Place a token on the Room A card to indicate your current position in Room A. Move the token each time you move.

Remember that once inside TEST, moving from one room to the next takes an hour.

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☎ - (+ 33) 1 57 40 80 41 ou ✉ - charlie@urbangaming.com