string(11810) "

Before signing

After signing

Modification or cancellation from the client

Cancellation conditions:

Only cancellations notified in writing will be taken into account upon receipt of said written notice. In the event that personalized content and specific elements for a forthcoming activity have been begun, the costs incurred will be invoiced in full regardless of the cancellation period.

Specific cases for event 100% remote

When the number of people involve in the event changes the rules are : Example : You sign a quotation for 200 people 20 days before the event. You confirme 100 people 2 days before the event. We apply the 30% modification limit and change the quotation to 140 people. If you subscribed to the insurance, we will add on the quotation 200 x 3€ but the fees will be adapted to 100 x 3€ after the event, and so does the number of people charged.

Technical compatibility regarding virtual events

Urban Gaming technical plateform

Our online tools are compatible with almost all the IT restriction. However, we strongly recomand you to run tests beforehand to make sure that you VPN/URL security doesn’t bloc our plateform. You will find every information in the links below : A test in order to see if our website is allowed Inventory – Technical constraints Documentation – Technical architecture

Visioconference tools

If the event is hosted by an UrbanGaming visioconference solution, Ubrangaming will take full responsability if the event encounter any issue regarding the visioconference. If the event is hosted by the client visioconference solution, Urbangaming won’t be responsible regarding any issue encountered via the visioconference tool. However, Urbangaming may help you prepare your event as Urbangaming project manager have experience in settings those tools correctly.

For physical events

Conditions of modification:

Any decrease in the number of participants less than one week before the activity will not result in any modification of the estimate. Changes made more than one week in advance can only be taken into account up to a maximum of 30% of the initial number of participants. Subject to UrbanGaming’s availability, an exceptional increase in the number of participants may be permitted up to the day of the activity, and will result in an update of the estimate. Any increase in the number of participants resulting in requirements for additional material and/or presentation… As an indication, the average number of facilitators required for these examples of events is determined as follows: – Pursuit For activities involving workshops, more significant staffing resources or dependent on features specific to the location, the ratio of facilitators/number of people can be customized.

Modification or cancellation due to an external event

In the event of cancellation due to an external event, not by the client and not by Urbangaming, only the costs incurred by UrbanGaming, and the elements that will actually be invoiced to UrbanGaming by other providers will be invoiced to the client. The following circumstances are examples of admissible cases of force majeure: CaptainCrunch-Urbangaming cannot be held liable under any circumstances in the event of a cancellation of the service ordered by the customer due to bad weather conditions.

Modification or cancellation by Urbangaming

In the event of cancellation by Urbangaming, a specific arrangement based on the reasons for and consequences of this cancellation will be proposed in consultation with the client. If Urbangaming has already received a deposit or the full amount, it may be refunded in full or in part. In the event that the estimate contains, in addition to the UrbanGaming activity, third party services not directly performed by UrbanGaming, a joint and several liability system may be defined, for which the client will be required to pay part of the service even if the UrbanGaming activity is cancelled. In the event that personalized content and specific elements for a future activity have been implemented, fees may be charged.

Ownership of the courses

The generic content, courses and games created are the property of UrbanGaming and Captain Crunch SAS. Under no circumstances may they be reused by the signatory company without the prior agreement of Captain Crunch SAS. Content created specifically for a customer using company-specific data is the property of the customer and may not be reused by UrbanGaming without the prior consent of the signatory company. This content may be subject to a specific confidentiality agreement, but by default UrbanGaming undertakes to keep all specific data provided by the customer confidential.


Identifying an available location (mandatory as part of a debriefing) is not included in the standard service. Finding this location can be either the responsibility of the client or entrusted to UrbanGaming as part of an additional invoiced service. If UrbanGaming makes a financial commitment to a host institution, the client will be jointly and severally liable for this commitment.


All participants undertake to respect the rules regarding good conduct, the environment and the equipment provided. In the event of serious misconduct (theft, disturbance, damage, non-compliance with safety rules), the participant(s) involved will be immediately excluded from the event without any claim for compensation. Captain Crunch reserves the right to cancel or terminate the current service. Any damage or anti social behaviour will be charged to the customer.


Customized content must be confirmed definitively 1 week before the activity. A delay will result in penalties or even render the activity impossible to pursue. After delivery of content, change requests must be consolidated and sent by the customer within a maximum of 4 business days. After this period, a deliverable is considered as confirmed. Comments made within this period will be processed within 2 working days. Any request to modify a previously confirmed deliverable will be subject to a specific quotation.

General logistics

In the event that Urbangaming has not been entrusted with finding a host location, it is the client’s responsibility to notify the location of UrbanGaming’s intervention in their space. The list of participants divided into teams must be sent 2 days before the event. If a special dress code is requested, it will be necessary to communicate it 2 weeks before the activity and it may be invoiced separately. Urbangaming provides the equipment necessary for the smooth running of the event. Projection equipment is required for debriefing (screen / projector / speakers / microphone). Locations with this equipment are to be preferred. Otherwise, and subject to availability, Urbangaming can bring the appropriate equipment. In this case the request must be specified 2 weeks before the activity.


For games that do not require on-site preparation of materials, the facilitator arrives 15 minutes before the scheduled speaking time. For games requiring specific preparation, the facilitator arrives at least 45 minutes before the briefing. Depending on the complexity of the event, UrbanGaming reserves the right to ask the client for a location to host the briefing.


During the activity, the facilitator(s) are in the game location. As the game takes place they are able to send live messages to the teams. They must remain contactable. Telephone numbers are written on the back of the tablets.


Between the end of the game and the debriefing, the facilitators need time to download the media from the tablets. Data recovery requires an average of 1 min 30 sec per tablet. If a compilation of the media is required for broadcast, additional time will be required. The debriefing time can vary depending on the size of the group, or the amount of media to be broadcast. (between 15 and 45 mn) For any debriefing occurring more than 3 hours after the end of the game, an additional cost may be applied.

Image rights

The client accepts that the media captured during the activity may be used during the debriefing and undertakes to inform the participants of the use of their images. The media will be provided to the customer in the form of a link and will be the full property of the customer. If faces and/or logos are recognizable, UrbanGaming will not use this media without the prior permission of the customer and the persons concerned.

Social Networks

As part of its own promotion, UrbanGaming may mention the event on social networks, without mentioning the client’s name unless it has prior authorization."

Terms of Sales

Before signing

  • All confirmation of activities must be made at least 1 week before the date of the event
  • The request / confirmation of personalized content must be made and confirmed at least 1 month before the date of the event
  • No generic content is provided to the customer before the activity, even if it has been confirmed. Some examples of challenges can be sent.
  • The request for an option for a date must be made in writing and does not follow automatically from a request for a quotation. This option is valid for 1 month from the date of the option request.

After signing

  • The reservation is confirmed upon receipt of the signed and dated quote subject to Urbangaming’s availability. A deposit of 70% is required on quotations over €2000 excluding tax. The balance must be paid upon receipt of the final invoice.
  • No complaint concerning the price of the service may be made in the event of a reduction in the number of participants.
  • For payments from abroad, any additional bank charges are the responsibility of the customer.

Modification or cancellation from the client

Cancellation conditions:

  • over 30 days before the service = 20% of the total rate including VAT
  • less than 30 days before the service = 40% of the total rate including VAT
  • less than 15 days before the service = 60% of the total rate including VAT
  • less than 07 days before the service = 80% of the total rate including VAT
  • less than 48 hours before the service = 100% of the total rate including VAT

Only cancellations notified in writing will be taken into account upon receipt of said written notice.

In the event that personalized content and specific elements for a forthcoming activity have been begun, the costs incurred will be invoiced in full regardless of the cancellation period.

Specific cases for event 100% remote

When the number of people involve in the event changes the rules are :

  • The number of players have to be notified two days before the event
  • The quotation can be adapted up to 30% of the initial quotation
  • If you wish to have more flexibility, you can sign in for a cancel insurance that allow you to pay only for the real number of participants. In that case, the price per person will be charge by 3 additional euro.

Example :

You sign a quotation for 200 people 20 days before the event. You confirme 100 people 2 days before the event. We apply the 30% modification limit and change the quotation to 140 people. If you subscribed to the insurance, we will add on the quotation 200 x 3€ but the fees will be adapted to 100 x 3€ after the event, and so does the number of people charged.

Technical compatibility regarding virtual events

Urban Gaming technical plateform

Our online tools are compatible with almost all the IT restriction.

However, we strongly recomand you to run tests beforehand to make sure that you VPN/URL security doesn’t bloc our plateform.

You will find every information in the links below :

test in order to see if our website is allowed
Inventory – Technical constraints
Documentation – Technical architecture

Visioconference tools

If the event is hosted by an UrbanGaming visioconference solution, Ubrangaming will take full responsability if the event encounter any issue regarding the visioconference.

If the event is hosted by the client visioconference solution, Urbangaming won’t be responsible regarding any issue encountered via the visioconference tool. However, Urbangaming may help you prepare your event as Urbangaming project manager have experience in settings those tools correctly.

For physical events

Conditions of modification:

Any decrease in the number of participants less than one week before the activity will not result in any modification of the estimate. Changes made more than one week in advance can only be taken into account up to a maximum of 30% of the initial number of participants.

Subject to UrbanGaming’s availability, an exceptional increase in the number of participants may be permitted up to the day of the activity, and will result in an update of the estimate. Any increase in the number of participants resulting in requirements for additional material and/or presentation…

As an indication, the average number of facilitators required for these examples of events is determined as follows: – Pursuit

  • Pursuit gaming: 1 facilitator for 50 participants
  • Hotel Gaming: 1 animator for 50 participants
  • Escape Gaming: 1 facilitator for 30 participants
  • Wine Gaming: 1 host for 30 participants
  • Museum Gaming: varies depending on the location.

For activities involving workshops, more significant staffing resources or dependent on features specific to the location, the ratio of facilitators/number of people can be customized.

Modification or cancellation due to an external event

In the event of cancellation due to an external event, not by the client and not by Urbangaming, only the costs incurred by UrbanGaming, and the elements that will actually be invoiced to UrbanGaming by other providers will be invoiced to the client.

The following circumstances are examples of admissible cases of force majeure:

  • Disaster in the game location or on route to it
  • Dangerous pandemic declared by a credible national or international authority (WHO declaration)
  • Acts of violence in the game location (attacks, civil unrest)

CaptainCrunch-Urbangaming cannot be held liable under any circumstances in the event of a cancellation of the service ordered by the customer due to bad weather conditions.

Modification or cancellation by Urbangaming

In the event of cancellation by Urbangaming, a specific arrangement based on the reasons for and consequences of this cancellation will be proposed in consultation with the client. If Urbangaming has already received a deposit or the full amount, it may be refunded in full or in part.

In the event that the estimate contains, in addition to the UrbanGaming activity, third party services not directly performed by UrbanGaming, a joint and several liability system may be defined, for which the client will be required to pay part of the service even if the UrbanGaming activity is cancelled.

In the event that personalized content and specific elements for a future activity have been implemented, fees may be charged.

Ownership of the courses

The generic content, courses and games created are the property of UrbanGaming and Captain Crunch SAS. Under no circumstances may they be reused by the signatory company without the prior agreement of Captain Crunch SAS.

Content created specifically for a customer using company-specific data is the property of the customer and may not be reused by UrbanGaming without the prior consent of the signatory company. This content may be subject to a specific confidentiality agreement, but by default UrbanGaming undertakes to keep all specific data provided by the customer confidential.


Identifying an available location (mandatory as part of a debriefing) is not included in the standard service. Finding this location can be either the responsibility of the client or entrusted to UrbanGaming as part of an additional invoiced service. If UrbanGaming makes a financial commitment to a host institution, the client will be jointly and severally liable for this commitment.


All participants undertake to respect the rules regarding good conduct, the environment and the equipment provided. In the event of serious misconduct (theft, disturbance, damage, non-compliance with safety rules), the participant(s) involved will be immediately excluded from the event without any claim for compensation. Captain Crunch reserves the right to cancel or terminate the current service. Any damage or anti social behaviour will be charged to the customer.


Customized content must be confirmed definitively 1 week before the activity. A delay will result in penalties or even render the activity impossible to pursue.

After delivery of content, change requests must be consolidated and sent by the customer within a maximum of 4 business days. After this period, a deliverable is considered as confirmed. Comments made within this period will be processed within 2 working days. Any request to modify a previously confirmed deliverable will be subject to a specific quotation.

General logistics

In the event that Urbangaming has not been entrusted with finding a host location, it is the client’s responsibility to notify the location of UrbanGaming’s intervention in their space. The list of participants divided into teams must be sent 2 days before the event. If a special dress code is requested, it will be necessary to communicate it 2 weeks before the activity and it may be invoiced separately.

Urbangaming provides the equipment necessary for the smooth running of the event. Projection equipment is required for debriefing (screen / projector / speakers / microphone). Locations with this equipment are to be preferred. Otherwise, and subject to availability, Urbangaming can bring the appropriate equipment. In this case the request must be specified 2 weeks before the activity.


For games that do not require on-site preparation of materials, the facilitator arrives 15 minutes before the scheduled speaking time. For games requiring specific preparation, the facilitator arrives at least 45 minutes before the briefing.

Depending on the complexity of the event, UrbanGaming reserves the right to ask the client for a location to host the briefing.


During the activity, the facilitator(s) are in the game location. As the game takes place they are able to send live messages to the teams. They must remain contactable. Telephone numbers are written on the back of the tablets.


Between the end of the game and the debriefing, the facilitators need time to download the media from the tablets. Data recovery requires an average of 1 min 30 sec per tablet. If a compilation of the media is required for broadcast, additional time will be required. The debriefing time can vary depending on the size of the group, or the amount of media to be broadcast. (between 15 and 45 mn)

For any debriefing occurring more than 3 hours after the end of the game, an additional cost may be applied.

Image rights

The client accepts that the media captured during the activity may be used during the debriefing and undertakes to inform the participants of the use of their images.

The media will be provided to the customer in the form of a link and will be the full property of the customer. If faces and/or logos are recognizable, UrbanGaming will not use this media without the prior permission of the customer and the persons concerned.

Social Networks

As part of its own promotion, UrbanGaming may mention the event on social networks, without mentioning the client’s name unless it has prior authorization.

Quote 0

My selection

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You can't select more than 3 games

Ce jeu est disponible pour les entreprises disposant de la licence liée aux Jeux olympiques de...

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Say goodbye to the good old-fashioned treasure hunt on paper:  With this tablet-based activity,...

  • In person team building 📍
  • Culture & Discovery 🧠
  • Outdoor 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this team building.

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Escape Game mixed with digital investigation

  • In person game 📍
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  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Custumizable 🎨
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This digital activity is a mix between entertainment and culture and will reconcile art lovers with...

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  • Itinerant 🏃
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A remote Escape Game with virtual teams. Join the Green Academy !

  • Remote Team Building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Virtual escape game 🔐
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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this remote game.

  • Virtual team building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Investigation 🔎
  • Customizable 🎨
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An in person team building to engage debate, listen and take decisions.

  • In person game 📍
  • Strategy ♟
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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Co-créons de A à Z votre jeu de société d’entreprise !

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Co-créons de A à Z votre escape game d’entreprise !

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Let’s co-create your future Serious Game from A to Z!    

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A digital game to explore new workspaces.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Move & new workplace
  • Indoor or outdoor hybrid 🏠 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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A game for mastering remote and agile working in your organisation.

  • Remote Game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • New ways of working 🧪
  • Custumizable 🎨
Discover the activity

Use a team serious game to learn how to manage change.

  • Virtual serious game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Change Management 🔄
  • Custumizable 🎨
Discover the activity

A game enabling newcomers to discover the premises and key values of your company.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

An Escape Game to convey your company’s policies and values to newcomers.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A training game to instill good management practices when dealing with crisis situations.

  • In person Serious game 📍
  • Crisis management ⚠
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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A game to master the concepts of change management.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Change management 🔄
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
Discover the activity

☎ - (+ 33) 1 57 40 80 41 ou ✉ -